Modern Slavery Statement

Our Approach

We are committed to achieving the highest standards of ethical behaviour in the conduct of our business and activities worldwide.
Vyas Legal supports and respects the protection of international human rights, and we endeavour to ensure that Vyas Legal is not complicit in human rights abuses. To this end, we will not tolerate slavery, human trafficking, abusive, or unfair treatment in any part of our organisation or in any of our supply chains.
Through our relevant policies and practices in relation to, among other things, procurement, people, and culture, and corporate responsibility, we are committed to taking steps to ensure that slavery and human trafficking play no part in our own organisation or our supply chains.
Through our internal whistleblowing policy, we ensure that employees have secure and safe means of reporting any instances or issues involving any slavery and human trafficking suspicions or offences.

Due Diligence Processes

Our Partners, Chief Executive Officer, and Senior Business Services Team are responsible for engaging with external suppliers and for procuring services and goods on behalf of the Firm. In all such engagements, issues such as corporate and social responsibility are considered and verified (on a risk-based approach) in order to ensure the highest ethical and professional standards are maintained, including with respect to suppliers’ and clients’ approaches to dealing with modern slavery, human rights, human-trafficking, ethical trading, and whistleblowing.

Pro Bono and Human Rights Initiatives

Our lawyers and professional support staff are encouraged to participate in a variety of initiatives that can make a meaningful contribution to the world at large. To this end, we frequently take on challenging, but rewarding projects that seek to tackle important issues of wider significance and demonstrate our commitment to upholding and promoting human rights. We work closely with a number of human rights focused non-profit organisations and NGO’s providing them with pro bono assistance. For more information about our pro bono programme, please see our website.

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